Five Astounding Animal Automata

From the ever-entertaining Atlas Obscura website, a collection of animal automata.  Interesting that none of these date to the era generally considered to be steampunk, either predating it or coming thereafter.  I’m not sure what date range is generally considered to be clockpunk though…

Five Astounding Animal Automata.

Helpless Victorian Ladies? Think again!

I’m sharing a link to an entertaining post from the blog Strange Company entitled innocently enough, “Newspaper Clipping(s) of the Day” but whose contents belie that bland description.

OK, this woman seems to be over-reacting a bit.

OK, this woman seems to be over-reacting a bit.

Based on clippings from the “Illustrated Police News“, one of the most sensationalist London newspapers of the day, the post contains illustrations of Victorian women taking matters into their own hands when accosted, insulted, or otherwise violated. These ladies are definitely self-rescuing.

I can imagine a female steampunk character emulating these ladies.  In fact, I have a character taking after the woman in March 28, 1896’s drawing when accosted by an evil-doer.